Ruslans Dumplings

While the description accompanying the Ruslans Dumplings recipe may not be directly related to the dish itself, it still captures a sense of whimsy and playfulness that is fitting for this meme-inspired recipe. The name "Ruslans Dumplings" evokes a sense of cultural fusion and the recipe itself is simple and easy to follow, making it accessible to anyone who wants to give it a try. The use of just a few basic ingredients highlights the natural flavors and textures of classical "Pelmeni", allowing them to shine on their own. Overall, this recipe is a fun and tasty way to indulge in some internet culture and enjoy a delicious meal at the same time.

prep time

30 min.

cook time

45 min.


4 servings

Tags : dumplings shrek food


step 1

Boil a large pot of water.

step 2

Place Ruslans dumplings into the boiling water.

step 3

Boil for about 10-12 minutes.

step 4

Drain the water and serve the hot.


1 pack of Ruslans Dumplings



Hand Blender

Large Heavy Pot With Lid

Measuring Spoons

Measuring Cups